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Friday, May 28, 2010

FRIDAY May 28, 2010


Good morning Lord.  Or is it morning????  I worked until really late last night and ony went to bed about 3 hours ago.  I will attempt to “pour out” my heart to You.  Lord, receive my broken melody, my imperfect hallelujah.  My body screams out.  Your creation sings in harmony with a perfect song to You.  I believe that I am on the verge of a miracle.  Like a river I am running to you, like the ocean I will dance for You.  My desire is to join with all creation in Praise.  Like the rocks, I’ll cry out to you, like the mountains I will bow to you.  In praise, in praise.  Your creation sings in harmony, with a perfect song to You.  Lord, receive my broken melody, my imperfect praise to You.  I love You, I am convinced that my only hope is You and only with You will I find rest for my troubled, busy soul.

You all encourage me.  Amazing how you (my readers) encourage me.  One of you wrote yesterday that I was brutally honest.  That’s partly true, I let you hear most of the story, but today because you have encouraged me, I am going to allow you to hear the “real”, another  part of my heart.  I need you, I need your prayers, I need your help.  I know that only through your prayers and God’s help can I overcome this.  “This” is this:  when I am tired or stressed (which is much of the time), I sit in front of the TV and binge.  This is one of “those things we do” in my family.  It is causing me to lose time, health, victory.  I need victory in this area.  I need your prayers to change.

I need the power of my faithful, loving Lord to free me from “this”.  I know the solution, I just don’t do it.  The things I know to do are the very things I don’t do.  I know many of you are sitting on the edge of your computer chair with the answer.  Please don’t give me the “pat” answer, I know it.  Please, please pray for me.  My favorite scripture from my brother, David, right now is Psalm 13.  “How long oh Lord, Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me.  How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?  How long will my enemy triumph over me?  ….But I trust in Your unfailing love, my heart rejoices in Your salvation.  I will sing to the Lord for He has been good to me”.  Those are the words of the greatest human (outside of God Himself) that ever lived in my opinion.  I need your prayers, that is the truth.  Because of Christ I am perfect, I don’t need anything beside Him.  He is my deliverer.  Please pray as I draw closer to Him, He will drive out this “this”.  Today I am

Singing a broken melody to a perfect Lord,

Mary Ann

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